Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:57:00 PM
total chaos

The many many people turning up
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, January 21, 2010 7:43:00 PM
once again, you've death defied
So last week's gig was a blast! Norest's set was the best we've had so far, that being no one screwed up this time and we were in our own element. Sucky cause we were the first band to perform but the crowd turnout was superb so it's all good and worth it. I'm still waiting for the pictures to be uploaded on fb though I'm not really sure who took our pictures when we performed. There were only a few of 'em uploaded on fb already, and I want to see more please.Nothing much happened these past few days, school has been same old. The party has been discussing a whole lot on what to do for the class chalet next month. Obviously they can't wait for the day to finally come hahaha! Actually, I can't wait as well, this time we booked a chalet instead of the usual barbeque pit we used to have the last few occasions. So I is think that this chalet is very good choice. Sigh, can't the weeks go any faster?
Right, I'll upload pics from the gig once I have it, for now, I is want to shower then I is want to eat then I is should stop typing like this. Hahaha!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:55:00 PM
dearly beguiled
Weekend's near! Okayso, I have the dreadful 2.4km run later in the morning in school. I can't really recall when was the last time I ran long distances, so expect me to pant a lot and hopefully I'll faint on the running track (: Ugh, come to school only got 2.4km run, sungguh tak gerek. Well I should be looking forward to this Saturday. Norestfortheweary's gig at blackhole, and hopefully the plan me and some other guys have after the gig is still on. Can't fucking wait siul! I'd most prolly stay out for the whole of Sat, then stay home for the whole of Sunday. Hahaha this is what you get when most of your friends are really outgoing, you just have to follow them around!Pay's in two weeks' time!
Pay's in two weeks' time!
Pay's in two fucking weeks' time!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, January 2, 2010 2:45:00 AM
one for the team

I'll blog about the previous night when I have the time. For a start, Happy New Year everyone.
So on new year's eve, my initial plan was to get back home after work but then, Feer and Zu called asking me whether i would want to hang out after I'm done with work at 11pm, i agreed. So they came over to my workplace and then dzul joined shortly after that since he was around the area. Chilled then Dzul went off to find his friend, so me,zu and feer took the bus towards one fullerton. There was a traffic jam in the middle of the journey and we noticed people running and then I remembered there's gonna be a fireworks display at the esplanade and from inside the bus we caught a few glimpes of the fireworks, and it really looked stunning though.
It was really really crowded when we got off at city hall, making our way to one fullerton was really a drag too. What more with most of the roads there blocked, people can't make their way across because of the barricades that were set up. Human traffic was damn slow and we weren't really enjoying the luxury of having to squeeze through the crowd. So we reached one fullerton and met amy, mia and siti and their friends and then they left and we made our way to clarke quay.
Oh and boat quay was packed too, with all those clubbers of course and with the celebration of the new year and stuffs, so it was pretty much hasppening. Dzul joined us back and we went to a 7-11 nearby and got our exclusive drinks, hahaha. Met sofie and friends on a nearby bridge and was surprised to see matin there, and he said it's a small world but personally I think, it's a small country, I mean literally, small. Had our drinks, then one of sofie's friends brought an absolut vodka and woah. Not a really nice flavour one but it was rather, devastating I must say. There was this guy who kept making us laugh and all of us had fun while it lasted. Getting home is another, getting home alone is also another. Lucky I'm quite tolerant and was sober enough to get home by myself. I know all the time I was in the train, it felt like the longest train ride ever cause I just couldn't wait to get home and get some sleep. But hey, what a way to start my new year, on the contrary.
this is the imaginary line that separates