Monday, December 28, 2009 11:21:00 PM
karma's running late

I reminded myself to wake up early this morning but that didn't happen. I wanted to get up early just so I'd have time to search for my posbbook and go to the bank to get a new atm card. But, as usual, I woke up late today. 3.30pm to be precise. I got up feeling rather tired cause I probably slept for too long, freshen up and searched my room for that posbbook. Finally found it in the end but I figured I was already too late since the bank's closed by 4pm. So I thought I should try to wake up early tomorrow and get my atm card and if I have the time, I'll try to get a new ezlink done as well. That's if, I could get up early tomorrow. Heh
Anyways, I'm currently a bit dissappointed upon the news that Spinelli's at Heeren is closing down next year. Yeah some other outlet is gonna take over Spinelli's and I'm quite shocked to why they had to choose Spinelli's. Can't they take another place somewhere else? Yeah I'm that sad. I wouldn't want to get transferred to another Spinelli outlet cause I like it here at Heeren's.
Well I can't wait to start school again. That's weird, I've never been this excited to go to school before, lol! God, I miss all those hey let's get our lunch first before we head to class, the let's go have a smoke break cause we're bored in school, the sweets and snacks we all share in class, the lame jokes, the laughter, to the times we would just doze off during lectures hahaha! Sigh good times siul! We'll be experiencing it all again come 4th Jan! =D
this is the imaginary line that separates
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 2:23:00 AM

this is the imaginary line that separates
Monday, December 21, 2009 6:53:00 PM
cran b. vod

this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, December 20, 2009 10:37:00 PM
tired, unstable, and not up to the fight
G: but ok la a true measure of a man is not by his fists but by his character
G: you got character balls
Damn right.
Something bad happened last Friday. Something I know I will never forget cause that was a first and shit that wasn't good. I actually got punched by a matrep. I don't get it really, why does he thinks that I'm actually not happy with him when it's so obvious I wasn't even trying to pick a fight with him? I mind my own business, you mind yours and that's that! Why try to pick a fight? Whether he's high or drunk I don't know but he's a fucking ass for giving me a cheap shot and another bigger fucking ass for kicking my supervisor right in the face. The underside of my upper lips bled but now it's getting better. It looked nasty the first time I looked in the mirror after the incident :/
To retaliate wasn't even on my mind cause I don't have any intentions to, at all. The cheap shot was bull, I never saw that coming and walking away from a fight isn't easy but I managed to because I don't want anything bad to happen to my colleagues. That asshole spoiled my day, he should be thankful I didn't file a case against him.
Sigh, why am I too nice? :/
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, December 6, 2009 9:34:00 PM
waves thirst for our passing
Currently on a really mad quest to get the highest score in Bejeweled. Highest to date score of mine is 199,250. Well it ain't no easy feat cause the game only lasts for 1 measly minute. So it's quite a challenge when it comes to scoring high everytime.
Anyways, I stayed home the whole day, only time I went out was to the mini-mart a few blocks away from mine. I wanted to get ice-cream but I got cookies instead, a can of coke and a can of iced coffee. I drank the coke on my way back and along the way I saw this cat, I went closer to it. It suddenly hissed at me, jumped and grabbed on my left leg. I did the most insane reaction ever, I sorta did a double kick and the cat flew a few good metres away but I'm sure it wasn't hurt as the cat landed on its feet and ran away. I also then realised my coke flew away as well, all of its contents spilled all over the pavement, there goes my coke, bummer.
Lucky I didn't get bitten or scratched because the cat's not very nice. So I continued walking home, feeling rather cold cause of the weather and still feeling the adrenaline rush from the incident with the not very nice cat. I laughed to myself and felt abit of sympathy for the cat cause that was unexpected of me to actually kick it, kung-fu style ._.
Came home and went straight to my room. Drank my iced coffee, finished half of my cookies and watched some tv. Now here, still trying to beat my own score in Bejeweled.
Today was strange.
Go Bejeweled!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, December 5, 2009 1:51:00 AM
deception point

Two more weeks to go and I'm done with my attachment, yay goody! Then back to working at Spinelli's. The place which started my really truthful addiction to coffee. I think I'm gonna be really rusty working back there and especially during the Christmas period cause I forgot most of the drinks' concoctions even though it's been two months or so of not working there. But I'll manage, heh.
Anyways rumours of Muse's concert is really hype because I heard Saosin is one of the opening bands for the concert. Yay ni lagi best! I have to start saving up from now but I know it's going to worth every single cent. Can't wait for February to come =D
I'm actually quite shagged really. I'm heading in, goodnight.
this is the imaginary line that separates