Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:45:00 AM
choices made

So there's a lot of things I want to get. A lot of things, so little money. I would appreciate it if someone accidently transferred like a few thousand bucks into my bank account and hoo-haa, enjoy! Then again, who would do something stupid like that, right? Anyways, I've been really working a lot since the holidays started and now, I'm hoping I'm getting a tad bit more cash to splash on this month ^^
Got my attachment letter the other day, can't believe my workplace's somewhere in tanjong pagar and I have to report to work at 9am. I'm not sure how is it going to turn out but I hope that it's a decent workplace. Aw, the thought of having to wake up early dah buat aku pusing kepale. C'mon ah dayne, you can do it ah, one for the team and one to prove you won't be late all the time. I should get an award or something if I managed to turn up early for work everyday.
Pay's on wednesday, I can't wait to get my hands on that shirt from fleshimp cause it's super smexy lah kan. Not to mention those other things I want to get, a bag, a pair of shoes, a wallet, new boxers, t-shirts, jeans.. fwahh!
Skating tomorrow? Maybe, I want to bring my own lunch box cause I don't want to spend whatever's left in my wallet on food and drinks and I think that it's cool like that!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, September 20, 2009 8:42:00 AM
for days to come
A shoutout to all my Muslim friends. Selamat Hari Raya! Let's forgive and forget, shall we? Have a good time collecting those green, red, orange, blue, packets with loads of cash in them. Hahaha!
And to Amy and Kecik, whatever happened last night, stays with us. Last night was freaking, dope! Again, team mckellen (inside joke) for the fucking win! HAHAHA
this is the imaginary line that separates
Friday, September 18, 2009 2:57:00 AM
like your label's stuck to the bottom

I was in the middle of a deep sleep when my phone started to rang. It was Feer.
Feer: Hey Dayne, what're you doing man?
Me: *groggy sleepy sexy voice* Oh hey, I just woke up, why? (damn you)
Feer: Oh okay, I have a confession to make.
Me: What??? ~_~ Oh okay. (Macam nak hang up the phone jek this part)
Couldn't you find a better time to call me dude? Tengah mimpi syiok seh. Anyways, let's just keep things between us two okay. My lips are sealed. That was how my day started off, he didn't totally ruined it, at least he woke me up, and if it wasn't for him, I'd prolly sleep in bed for like 2 hours more, I think.
So I got up, bathed and went out to play soccer. Amy texted and asked whether I have gone out yet, I told him I'm already waiting for the bus, then he told me that we're only playing soccer behind the stadium, which is only five minutes away from my house by foot. I didn't know where we're gonna play soccer at first what. HAHA. Thanks uh Amy, what would I do without you man? hahaha well fuck you too Amy.
So we played soccer from 3.30pm to about 5.30pm, I had to leave early cause I'm going to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday over at his sister's house. Oh we celebrated little Nina's, Daniel's and Alisha's birthdays too, hahaha and little Nina and Daniel were happy to see me around. I'll post a picture I had with them soon. I'm not a big fan of birthday cakes, but the one my sister brought was an exception, you guys should really try it, friggin' nice, I swear. The cake's called Coco Exotic from Four Leaves.
Alright that's about it. I had fun today. :)
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, September 13, 2009 1:59:00 AM
abandon all hopes
So school holidays has started. The only exam for this term was quite tough but I managed to finish it plus I actually really studied for this exam, so I hope for the better results. Industrial attachment's starting in mid-October until mid-December, so roughly about 2 months, can't say I'm really excited about this whole attachment thingy cause how we're gonna fair during our attachment is going to fair in our final year results too. So the attachment is like taking our exams, only we get paid, work like there's no tomorrow, impress our supervisors, employers, even our teachers, writing down and recapping what we've learn during our attachment in our log books every single day( I find this part really unnecessary ). Lucky its only for about two months, I've heard students from other courses have longer attachments than us, I just want to get it over and done with, I guess we all do.Oh, look at the time, I'll prolly should get something to eat for sahur then off to bed and oh shoot, I have to wake up early for work later. Shit, I think I'm gonna look like some wasted guy with panda eyes later ._.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Monday, September 7, 2009 12:49:00 AM
out came the wolves

I woke up with a sore in my right eye, it was red and the um, the white part of my eye(???) was like kind of bulging, and veiny and god knows what made it looked like that. Maybe that's what I deserved for waking up real late for work, was supposed to be at work at 8am and I woke up at 8.30am, fwah! That's one, so I asked dad to send me over to work and it rained, I got drenched all over on his motorbike, fuh! What a way to start off my day man, lucky that old man(my manager) never scold me, wait, he never scolds me, hoo-haa! V^_^V
Next week's shift awesome, so who wants to drop by? I could treat you people to drinks, yeah that's right, all on me! Kidding, hahaha but seriously, drop by, can get free drinks! I have no idea why I'm in such a good mood lately, and generous too, eh hahaha generous my foot. Oh wait, I remembered, I've been described as a nice guy, as quoted by G-mah-maynn! LOL! Spare my random thoughts. I just found out my sore eye is gone now, must've been the ever so powerful-I-think-I-have-wolverine's-powers-to-heal-but-mine's-slower-than-him-and-I-mean-real-slooooow.
Spare my random thoughts
this is the imaginary line that separates