To start it off, the barbeque pit last saturday was good but the game of dodgeball we played was totally awesome. I wished I could at least stayed there awhile longer but I had to go home cause I have to work the morning shift on sunday. Pretty bummed about it but its all good. How I wished I could be rich, then working won't be part of my daily planner, I'd be cruising down the highway in a convertible car with wind in my hair, leading a stress-free life and won't have to worry about a single thing at all.

I fell from my skateboard and I hurt myself. There's a red mark on my right elbow and it stings whenever it comes into contact with water. I was skating and I had both my hands on both my bag's straps respectively and I guess my left foot got under one of the wheels, causing my deck to turn sharply and I fell forward, and I couldn't use my hands fast enough to break my fall, so I used my elbow instead. Fiq, Azhar and Zoo saw how I fell, only Helmi didn't, phew! Heh. He was right in front when I fell, when he turned behind to look, I was already sprawled all over the floor. So I had them laughing at how ugly I fell and Helmi said, "Aw, baby are you okay?" baby your head, elbow aku tengah sakit, nak sweet talk ngan aku. Helmi, Helmi. But its okay, we brotha lup, lol! ^^V
Anyways, sorry for the lack of updates, nothing much is happening and I've been busy with a lot of stuffs lately. Now, I'm having my holidays, wait for it, wait for it, YAYYYYYY! I need to work, I have a few things that I have to buy, a new pair of black jeans cause mine was torn just now, a couple of tees and maybe a new pair of shoes. I guess holidays mean more work, for more money. I just can't wait for the class barbeque pit on the 20th. I hope its gonna be a blast, or even better than last year's.
Okay, I better continue watching Naruto Shippuuden. This is random, but somehow I wished I was Neji.