What would it take, for things to be quiet? Quiet like the snow? We have got to stop this, this conflict between us all. This isn't right. We have got to set aside our differences, or it's going to be the downfall of us all. I know, we could. We could be better than this. Grey clouds looming over us, lightning and thunder imminent. There's a way, we could find to get out of this storm. Our hearts could be warmer, if only we were to leave everything behind and let everything go. We all need to change and respect. What would it take, for things to be quiet?
Work was quite tiring just now, there were loads of people coming in and out of Spinelli's considering it was a Friday night. My leg muscles ache from standing too much, lucky I did closing shift and I get to go home in a cab (: and time really flies when it gets busy. I ate at Subway's again just now, hahaha I think it's going to be my new addiction. I think I'm gonna get Subway's again if I have enough cash for the outing later on today.
I can't believe my family went out to watch Angels & Demons while I was at work just now, so unfair. I've been dying to watch that movie. A few friends of mine have already watched the movie, they say its worth the money to watch. Okay, now I'm getting desperate, I need to watch the goddamn movie. Someone follow me and watch pleaseeeee.
I miss jamming with my band, its been what, close to a month, i think? Plan a date so we could jam guys, please.
Oh I had this funny conversation with Wei Jun a.k.a Ah Beng in school the other day.
(Me): Eh. Beng, where's the nearest place to plan lan gaming ah?
(Beng): Lan game ah? Go Chupang Bedok lor.
(Me): Chupang? HAHAHAHA you mean Simpang Bedok?
(Beng): Ah yes yes! Simpang, Simpang! Sorry sorry
(Beng): *turns away, embarrassed*