Monday, December 29, 2008 6:57:00 PM
underaged frequency

I'm surprised! Proud but really surprised! Surprised because we thought we wouldn't win anything at the band competition held at Marsilling CC. All those long hours of jamming and months of waiting and perfecting our original finally paid off (yay!). Pictures and videos will be uploaded as soon as the organizers have uploaded it on their blog, I can't wait!
I'm working tomorrow from 12 noon to 8pm and by which I have no idea what to do after that so I'm thinking that I might be walking around town alone and figure out stuffs to buy when I got my pay the day after. Jeans, definitely, some tees, definitely, and a new pair of shoes? Most definitely! Hooray I'm talking to myself here -.-
Quack. Hahaha I can't stop laughing from watching an episode of Whose Line Is It Anyway? "A quacking elephant is the funniest thing!" Hahaha go figure. Obviously I'm bored, very bored, vely vely bored, bored. Well, I'll update again whenever, I have to upload pictures to my photobucket since there are people pestering me to upload it. Bye
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, December 20, 2008 4:02:00 AM
in search of a heart so pure,

Last Wednesday's barbeque pit was totalleh.awesome! I had loads of fun although it was very tiring at the very end but then again, all of us had a great time =D It started off with me going over to Haiqal's place to help him and Zul carry the stuffs needed for the pit. I arrived at his house quite late, as usual, then waited for Haiqal to get ready before taking a cab to pick Nad up on the way to the barbeque pit. The pit that we booked is really a nice place to begin with, although there were lots of mud pits everywhere, it was really really windy and even the hot sun didn't make us sweat a single bit. We set up the tent that Zul brought and camwhored for awhile and waited until Adi, Azzlan, Dzul and Syafiq came along. Soon after, Zaki, Hafiz, Hidayah and Siti came and we started to barbeque the food cause we were starving, I helped abit in cooking the food and then Azhar and Fred came, oh! Thanks eh guys for buying us the stuffs we needed so dearly for the pit!
The food was really good and by nightfall, everyone was there enjoying the food. Me and Syafiq couldn't stop playing Fromfirsttolast's Emily on the guitars cause the harmonizing was really nice and we had some singing sessions too. Adi, Azzlan, Shariff, Hafiz and Hidayah went off and Syafiq and Dzul also went off to drink somewhere. So the rest of us played our own version of Whose Line Is It Anyway, which was goddamn hilarious and got me crying cause I laughed so hard everytime something funny happened, hahaha!
The rest came back and all of us were having so much fun that we didn't realize that time was ticking so fast. By 11pm, Nadd, Siti, Hidayah, Azhar and Fred left as they couldn't stay over, so me and the rest stayed cause we're ton-ning. Some of them brought drinks and they dranked till around 12am, only me, Haiqal, Hafiz and Zul didn't drink and I don't know who but I think it was Shariff who wanted to explore the swamp nearby, so me, Syafiq, Dzul, Zul, Adi, Azzlan and Qayyum(Hafiz's friend) followed and then one of Adi's friends, Aishah who was also nearby from another pit followed and there were total nine of us. We reached the swamp around 1am and it was hella dark and scary lah siol! Some of us didn't want to go in cause some of them saw something even before entering the swamp, but we went in after all. I was feeling quite uncomfortable throughout the walk in the swamp, well duh, who wouldn't? Things got even creepier when Shariff counted there were ten of us instead of nine and he told me something was walking beside me, which totally creep me out. I'm still getting the goosebumps as I'm writing this down, so I guess I'll just skip everything from here =S
We went back and told what happened to the rest who didn't follow, by 4am I was feeling quite sleepy so I went in the tent to sleep, weak right, I know. I'm the only one who slept while the rest stayed up, but I only got like 2 hours of sleep, partly because some of them disturbed me while I was asleep and at around 6am, I woke up next to a girl, which really surprised me, I swear, nothing happened! Dzul was also in the tent playing the psp, so I went out to freshen up and soon found out that the girl is Aishah's friend, and she's 29 years old. Hah, okay..
I shall not elaborate any stuffs further about this cause it's seriously none my business and I seriously had nothing to do with it. Well, its 5.24am now, I should get some shuteye, so here are ze picturezsz;

this is the imaginary line that separates
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:33:00 AM
go back,

Its been a really long while since I've updated huh. Well to start off with everything, I went to the Flyer last Sunday, yeah it was my first time riding it and it was alright i guess. Its not really that much of a fun but I took quite a number of pictures while I was in it cause it rained abit before I went there so the weather is just perfect. I spent both my last weekends with my family and together with Feer's family too. Last Saturday we had dinner at Downtown East and sort of celebrated an advanced birthday celebration for Feer. Hahaha Feer's face turned red when the manager of the restaurant that we're in turned on the birthday song and some people turned to look at our tables and started clapping and stuffs. Then I tried ice-skating at E-hub and that was a first time for me too, but the place wasn't that good cause its a synthetic ice-skating ring which makes it very hard to skate. I fell a couple of times and I hurt my elbow at one point ): Someone bring me ice-skating please and teach me how to skate! Hahah!
Its 4.38am and I know I should be sleeping by now, my classmates are coming over to my house sometime later to prepare the stuffs for the bbq pit tomorrow. I can't wait for tomorrow! I hope we're all gonna have lots of fun. Oh oh! I can't wait for the guitar/singing session we're gonna have, I was told to memorize the lyrics of some songs and sing too. Omg, I can't wait sia! Hahaha!
Okay, I better get off now, I wouldn't want to wake up late today and dissapoint my friends again, heh.
I'm always a part of you, indefinitely
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, December 4, 2008 2:30:00 AM
something to smile about

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I actually find sk8ing really fun, and tiring of course! I dare say that I'm quite a beginner on this but I ever sk8ed before when I was a small kid but not really into it at that point. Now, I have friends who wants me to sk8 with them and also forcing me to get my own deck, hahaha! Sofie's going to lend me her deck temporarily until I get my own deck, so its all good.
I haven't been smoking for the past 5-6 days, i think? Its not something I should be proud of, its only for a few days, not even a month yet, but I know I would be able to quit smoking by the end of the year. I'm more concerned about my health now, my fitness and my throat. Soccer training this coming Sunday with Fred's team, (and the more upcoming Sundays) and jamming and family. It should be easy if I could just keep my mind of off smoking every single day and to Amy, sorry ah, I won't be able to matau cigs with you anymore, lol!
Next week is my last week in school before the holidays and I can't super duper fucking wait for the holidays, wooot! Oh! I just remembered, I have to treat Fred to Burger King this Friday or tomorrow to be exact cause its his birthday! Happy advanced birthday d00d! Hahaha stupid Fred.

Well these are my two new hamsters and they're so adorable right! Hahaha, so small, so cute sometimes I feel like squishing them! Both of them look very alike, so I cant tell which one is which, and I've been trying to find names for them. A friend of mine told me to name one Ham and the other, Ster. HAHAHA SIOL, that made me laugh real hard!
Alright, its 3.37am now on my watch, I shall go to sleep now, and I'll upload the other pics soon after I'm done resizing it.
this is the imaginary line that separates