Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:34:00 AM
teach me the games you play so well, and i'll drink to that

A quick update! Sorry, couldn't get my hands on the laptop that much since my sis is ever so busy with her school work. Aye, I seriously should get my comp repaired so going online wouldn't be a bother, and get a webcam too! I woke up damn early at 7am just to sneak into my sis' room and "steal" her laptop while she's asleep to get online, hahah!
Well, pictures from yesterday will be uploaded soon. I had quite a fun time last night, celebrating Azimah's birthday which was really unplanned cause Sofie invited me there on the day itself. The event took place at Istana Park and I met some familiar faces there as well and it was nice to finally meet Sofie again! ^^
Aye aye, I have to go already ))))): my sis is bringing her laptop to school now. I'll update if I have the chance. ^^v
this is the imaginary line that separates
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 11:49:00 PM
i can walk you home, tonight

I just got my haircut recently, my hair looks abit neater now cause the sides and the back are not thick, like before, now I can use hair wax to spike up the back and make a messy-out-of-bed hair. I like my hair now but I think I want to shorten my fringe abit cause I'm starting to play soccer again and it's annoying whenever my fringe touches my eyes and I have to put it to the sides every now and then.
Well I've been going to alot of jamming sessions this week, but mostly because I followed Azhar to jam with his friends as they'll be performing for the Asian Beats this weekend and which I think I won't be able to watch cause I'll be working on that day. Jamming? The usual stuffs, sing and scream, play the guitars and drums. One of Azhar's friends like to hear me scream cause he thinks my screaming is good, hahaha wth!
I went to Chinese Garden with Azhar today, to jam (again) but this time with Andin's friends. They'll be performing for grad night and Azhar was the drummer and I just came there to help out abit. They were jamming to We The Kings' Check Yes Juliet, their vocalist needed a backup singer so I helped and the funny thing is, they find my singing nice, HAHA W.T.H! -.- Andin left in the middle of jamming for some job interview and the rest continued jamming from 2pm to 4pm. I forgot to ask for the names of the other band members but I only got to know Amirah, who was the lead guitarist. So me, Azhar and Amirah left and went to Jurong East to meet up with Andin and another friend, Nadiah, I think. We ate at IMM's LJS and slacked at the rooftop where there was a playground and there was a small section where water sprayed out from everywhere and kids could play there. Looks pretty cute to me, lol! Anyways, we sat and chatted and Amirah kept asking how I learned to scream, cause she had seen us jammed before way back, early this year I think. She thought I already had the talent to scream and I was like, hahahaha no, practise, of course! :D
Okayso, we got cookies from Subway and left IMM, met Amy near the MRT station and the girls went home. So, me and Azhar followed Amy to eat cause he was hungry, then we took the train to Simei to slack till 10.45pm and went home. Guess I'll be sleeping late tonight, considering I have school later at 1pm so I have more than enough time to sleep, oh joy! ^^
this is the imaginary line that separates
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 8:24:00 PM
i forgot what to write here, really

I'm finally starting to recover from my sickness which is good news for myself and I no longer need to see the doctor. Woke up this morning at 8am to go to school, but then I feel too sleepy and slept back, by the time I woke up, its already 12 in the afternoon. Hahaha wth, I missed half of the lessons in school and even if I went there, I would surely not understand what the teacher's trying to teach. So I figured, to heck with school and hello super-comfortable-bed! :P
Went back to sleep and woke up back again at 2pm, showered and went out to buy my lunch since there was nothing to eat here at home. I got back, ate and went online and chatted with a few people and I got so bored, I used Photoshop to edit like, 15 pictures, the one on top is just one of 'em.
I'm currently chatting with Julz, Siti and Suziee. Hahaha! Julz just got off the comp to watch some show on tv, now I'm just chatting with Siti and Suziee. Oh oh! I have to thank Siti for cooking for me and Amy the other day where we went to her place to chill. It was damn nice and we both actually finished it. Cook for us again eh Siti! Well, I think there's nothing else to update here, Im'a continue chatting with them. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, November 9, 2008 4:13:00 PM
her heart beats on, she's just not giving up yet

I have no new pictures, all I had was this picture taken on Feer's last day of work at Spinz. We did something really stupid on that day, we dranked expressos which was expired for more than what, 24 hours? It was stupid, really, it ended up with Feer vomiting first and then Farhana, my supervisor. I didn't vomit though, I forced myself not to even though the expressos tasted really awful. Speaking of which, I vomited today. YES, I'm sick, NO, I don't like being sick, YES, it sucks ballz and YES, I want to get better as soon as possible.
Arrghh damn you flubug! Because of you, I had to cancel my soccer training with Fred's team, I'm so sorry eh Fred. Damn, I can't stop coughing sia, this sucks ): I hope I don't start sneezing or have runny nose or whatever cause I hate to have a blocked nose. Someone take my sickness away please. Sigh.
Most of my friends said I should get plenty of rest and drinks lots of water. So I shall be a good boy and listen to them and get off my sis' laptop and go have a good rest (: I will update daily from now on, I..Will..
this is the imaginary line that separates