Sunday, September 28, 2008 3:22:00 AM
meet Todi
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, September 21, 2008 2:42:00 PM
and then i rolled awake

I didn't expect it last night.
I'm not sure how I should start saying this, but maybe we got a little carried away, dont you think? I didn't expect that you'd fall for me, you really surprised me. I wasn't ready for this, maybe you can't help it. Those late night calls can get really intimate at times, with us exchanging secrets and stuffs. But all I can say is that I really like you, and I keep telling myself that I will not love you cause I really, really respect that you have a boyfriend. Trust me, I'm not that kinda guy who would steal someone else's girlfriend. Disappointing to you it may be, but I'm doing this for our own good, for your own good, so please understand. You should do the same and stick to loving your current boyfriend, don't say that your love for him has faded, maybe you should start renewing your love for him. I have faith in you, I know you can do it.
You were really sweet to say all those things to me, saying that I'm not like any other guys you've ever met and that I'm a big part of your life, and I'm happy to know that. I'm afraid I would have to back off, I'm just letting you know, but I'll always be here, whenever you need me.

I received a $20 Spinelli voucher! So who wants to go to a Spinelli date with me?? Hahahah and Feer, iknowyouknowtheydon'thavethis.
What have I got myself into?
Did I do the right thing?
Why do I feel like its my fault?
I need help, anyone?
this is the imaginary line that separates
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 2:58:00 PM
good intentions
Woken up at 12.03pm today by a call from mum, she asked whether I'm break fasting outside or at home today cause she said something about her cooking something special later, so I said yes, I'm gonna break fast at home. I love mum's cooking^^. About 4 more hours to go before I can eat and my tummy's already making noises( vroom vroom, grengg grengg )
Okayso, went out with my homz yesterday for lan gaming, I played the game Doom 3 which was hella fun and hella scary at the same time. Imagine, aliens, yes aliens, which can shoot out fireballs from their hands and there are like hundreds of them coming out from nowhere to attack you and the only way to beat them is to shoot them. I love such thrills. HAHA!
Went to play soccer afterwards at Simei which was damn fun after so long of not playing soccer. Funny things happened while we were playing soccer, Amy and Fred fell, Azhar did the ballet dance and I did a classic miskick after a few awesome crossovers which was well.. uh, classic.
The guys brought hotdogs and I brought Old Chang Kee and we break fasted somewhere near Julz's place. I couldn't finish my food cause it was really tasteless and I gave it to Amy and Fred. Then Julz came, we had quite a long talk about some random stuffs about bad dreams to ghosts stories. It was getting creepy so I asked them to move and go over to Julz's place to see her kittens.
Rufio was sleeping, so we only get to cuddle with Ashley, she is so damn adorable, she kept purring while I was holding her. Then Azhar came to a point where he started to talk about religion and stuffs, I kept quiet most of the time cause I was thinking alot about myself and thinking whether I'd change some day. I know I don't want to go to hell, nobody wants to. Its scary and thats pretty much why I kept quiet most of the time. Julz, want to go ngaji with me? hahaha!
So we went home after the talk. I got home, texted with a few people and went to sleep at 12.45am. Woke up at 1.15am cause i couldn't sleep and I went online for awhile to edit my blogskin, I think it looks alright now, it took me an hour+ to get it right.
Now I'm playing my guitar and coming up with random stuffs and kept laughing all alone by myself. Haha on my own self-entertainment. I have nothing better to do so maybe I'll play my PS2 until its time to eat.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Friday, September 5, 2008 10:42:00 AM
forever the sickezxst kidzsz

Was cleaning up my room when I came across the specs up there in the picture, I had it for like 3 years, i think ? Okayso, finally, an update! For the past week, its been great for me since I've already got my paycheck and brought all the stuffs that I needed for myself. Thanks Julz, Amy and Azhar for accompanying me with my shopping escapade!
Was supposed to study yesterday with Haiqal and Azhar, but we didnt cause Azhar came really late and I was about to go off to work. Instead, me and Haiqal talked about well, really alot of stuffs while waiting for Azhar to come. When he finally came, we talked abit more before I had to leave for work. While in the train on the way to work, my phone died out on me, as in the phone screen blanked out and I was panicking cause I received a few messages and I couldnt reply them, so I waited, the screen did came back, but everything's in negative colour. Seriously, I should have repaired my phone earlier, wayyy earlier.
So I met Feer at Dhoby Ghaut as he's from Vivocity and we trained to Somerset. We arrived at our workplace at around 5pm, by 5.30pm, we got really restless cause we both were fasting, and the food there is really really bugging our minds ( and tummy ) to eat. So we forced ourselves to wait and at around 6.45pm, Feer went out to buy food for us both and he came back just in time to break fast. We both were really happy cause we finally got to eat something and the Indonesian fried rice really tasted good although its very spicy. Hahaha me and Feer kept sticking our tongues out and using our hands to fan the inside of our mouths and our noses couldnt stop dripping out slimes cause its very spicy. Hahaha!
During my break, I went out to the smoking corner and called up Azyani, she was going for the terawih prayers and said she'll call me back later. So I got bored and smoked a cig and decided to call Fred up since I have no one to talk to during my break. Called him and asked him to call me back and we talked for like about 20 mins about how's everything going for him and d00d, after exams, we'll hang out again fer' sure! I smoked one more cig before going back to work.
When I came back, Naz ( my supervisor ) said I missed the best part of work cause there were lots of orders and only he and Feer did the job while I was away, so I laughed and took my apron and got back to work. When we're about to close, I decided to switch on songs from my phone/mp3 to the loud speakers of the shop. TOTALLEH, HARDCORE.
People who passed by the shop stopped to give a second hearing and they hurriedly left, giving the what-the-hell look on themselves. Soon after, we three walked to the train station and me and Naz missed the last train to Marina Bay and we decided to take the taxi home instead. I got really restless while in the cab and almost dozed off. I got home at around 11.45pm, then she finally called at 12am and we talked for like two hours, she's like my new bestie and we could have talked more but we decided to stop talking since we have to wake up for sahur later. It was totally fun talking to her^^
Right, I have to work today and I have no plans this Saturday, but I might be going to Spinelli's alone to study. Maybe I'll break fast there as well, and hopefully I get to bump into her cause she's break fasting with her peeps at town. So anyone who wants to join me, text me first alright!
this is the imaginary line that separates