Saturday, August 30, 2008 11:06:00 AM
so I've been busy and blah blah blah

I went back to my secondary school for teachers' day yesterday, met up with Amy, Azhar, G and Fadhil at bedok interchange around 9.30am. I was the first one to arrive and before the rest started to appear one by one, then I saw Aishah, my ex-classmate, we chatted for awhile on the way to school, exchanged numbers with her since we've lost contact with each other since secondary school ended. Anyways, me and the d00ds, except for Fadhil, wore different band tees to school cause we want to be scene kids, hahaha! It wasn't my idea, but I just go along with it. So while we're on the way to school, G and Amy started to or rather tried to scream my name which was damn hilarious and Azhar also joined making me laugh non-stop, haha geez!
We arrived in school and saw our ex-schoolmates and everyone was surprised to see each other. Sad though, my ex-classmates didnt turn up cause I expected them to come but I have other friends to make up for it. So we met up with Julz and watched the concert, had a few laughs when the teachers did a small scene where they're acting as students and after that the NCC boys did jumpstyle which was
okay to me cause they're repeating the same steps over and over again. After it ended we went out to the main school gate with the other ex-schoolmates and everyone except for Azhar smoked and I tried Izza's cig which was too chilly for me. Bleagh, I'm never going to try that cigarette again, ever.
We went back in just to see the live band performance, they played First Date by Blink 182 and me and Amy just sang on the chorus part, then me, Azhar, Amy and Fadhil went off cause they're playing soccer at East Coast and I have to get home since there's no one else to hang out with cause G stayed in school with his other friends. I took the bus back home alone and was already getting sleepy, so when I got back, I took a small nap before going off to work.
I missed the first day of Baybeats just cause of work, but I hope the rest are going again today cause I need to loosen myself out, fatigue from work and school's killing me, I need this.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, August 23, 2008 10:14:00 PM
sugar rush and a whole lotta pictures

hahaha like finally I'm updating my blog, sorry for the really really long absence. Okayso, you guys probably would've known by now that I'm busy with work and school and I can't get online that often. Well duhh, I've been saying that since forever hahaha!
Let's see, what shall I update about?
Oh, I had CIP today, I have to travel all the way to Outram Park early in the morning. Then I have to carry a tin and go walk around and ask people to donate. I thought it was a real waste of time at first, but I had fun though. Its apparent that its worth doing something good once awhile. Chey~
Right, I'm out of my field now, I have lots to update about and I know I cant really recall what happened during my last outings. So I'll let the pictures do the blabbering shitziz spinzs from here.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Tuesday, August 12, 2008 7:06:00 PM
its a breakdown
I'll probably post a short one here again. Been really busy for most of the week, even if I am at home, my sis would be using the laptop the whole day, so thats pretty much why I couldn't update like I used to. Now Azhar's updating more than me.*gasps*
Bri's party was super awesome! I want to give thanks to Amy, Brianne, Lynette and Imran for the great time we had at the chalet.
Thanks guys^^
Right, I have to go get changed now. I have to go out to buy something and prolly go lepak with the usuals later. Its 7.35pm now, I have to meet Amy at the interchange at 8pm. Gosh, I feel sleepy already. Anyways, let the pictures entertain you guys from here. I'll upload more soon!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, August 7, 2008 12:49:00 AM
just faking it
i was bored at home, so I browsed through some old pictures and I saw this picture, so I did some editting to it. Nice, no? My sister says I look different here. I've just uploaded this picture in Myspace, and speaking of Myspace, Mary Jane thought I was her ex-boyfriend because of my hair, hahaha, sorry to give you the heart attack.
This week I'm only working on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Finally, I can hang out on a Saturday. Azhar wants to jam since he and Ammar just made a new song the other day. I promised a lunch date with my old schoolmate, haha its very random but we just want to catch up on things. I'm really looking forward to it, its been ages since we met. We're not sure when but we're planning things out while chatting.
Had my NAPHA test today, but I just did the 5 stations because my teacher postponed the 2.4km run to next week. I had fun though, a friend of mine fell while doing his standing broad jump, I couldn't help but laughed out loud. Yes, I'm THAT evil. *grins*
I'm invited to Bri's party this weekend, I'm going there with Amy, and we're overnighting there, I think. There's gonna be drinks, so are you thinking what I'm thinking Amy? HAHAHA!
Anyways, I want to go exploring, I want to find cool places for a photoshoot, I love exploring never-been-there-before-places! But fcuk lah, I'm always busy. Its been awhile since I've hanged out with the usuals. I'll plan something up alright, fer sure!
maybe I'll find love again, one day^^
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, August 3, 2008 2:35:00 AM
a kiss, and a tiny bit of XOXO
Finally got some time to update my blog after so long. Yes, I've been busy all week and I hardly have the time to spend some time with mah homiez. I miss you guys lah siol. I've started working at Heeren's Spinelli since wednesday, and the past two days have been quite fun. I met a lot of random people, from my schoolmates to my old primary school friend. I could hardly recognise her with the emo hair and specs she had on. Hahaha, she could hardly recognise me either, but she remembered so thats okay.
Just now, Azhar, Amy and Ammar came over to my workplace, hahaha, they were like laughing at me and pressurizing me while I was working. Then they went off but I met them again later when I had my break at Lucky Plaza where they were playing pool. I even have time to play a game with Azhar where I won, heh heh heh! I had to rush back to my workplace soon after, and I find Ivy very fun to talk to. She always make me laugh and there was one time where she sneezed like, ten times at one go. Hell, that was funny as erm, HELL. Hahaha!
Well, I'm gonna see her again later at work, at least I got someone fun( and cute ) to talk to:)
I can't wait for my hair to grow long again, peeps have been saying that I don't look 18. I look like 13-15 years old. =/
Damn, my eyes are red and puffy right now. I should get some sleep, its like fucking 3am in the morning and I have to get to work at 12pm later on, so I have at least 6-7 hours of fucking good sleep, so I won't be fucking sleepy at work. I'll get fucked fer'sure.
p.s. this coming wednesday, napha test, 2.4km run + 5 stations = might as well be killed on that day
this is the imaginary line that separates