Friday, July 25, 2008 4:35:00 PM
hoping they'll bring a gun

Sorry for not updating, a lot's been going this past few days. So I'll just put up a short post here.
Went out with Freddd and Amy the other day, our quest to find the abandoned railway track was a success.
I'll be working at Heeren's Spinelli soon.
I got myself an injection, I can still feel the numbness in my arm.
I got myself a haircut, ( yes, a haircut ) my hair's short now.
I got mixed reviews about my hair from friends in school.
I'll post up my pictures with short hair soon.
I find that Chinese Garden is a really cool place to hang out and chill.
I have to start saving money so I can go for the Caliban's gig next month.
Alright, I'll end here. Sis wants to use the laptop.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, July 17, 2008 9:44:00 PM
looking over your shoulder

I woke up today and found out that I still have the sore throat. It felt as if my throat's burning, so I rushed to the kitchen and drank 3 cups of plain water at one shot. The pain got worse while I was in school and I force myself not to get any gassy drinks for my lunch. I think I'm down with a cold, I've been sneezing a lot lately. Woahhh! I'm sick! SICK SICK SICK SICK!
After school, went to see Hafiz, Azlan, Shariff, Adi and one of their friend( I forgot the name ) jamming at Simei. Theyre going for some audition and I want to see them rehearse, and it turned out to be quite fun. I did some screaming and the sore got even worse after that. Hahaha, don't ask why I'm so stubborn here, I just want to have fun.
Went back to school after jamming to eat, chatted with Azhar and friends, then went home with Fred. He complained about me being anti-social, sorry uh d00d, sore throat uh. Hahaha! Then I hurried home to get changed and go back out again to the jamming place in Simei to see Fred and his friends jam this time. Mann, it was dull. Luckily me and Azhar were there to spice things up abit, and and and! I've just created a new riff! Woah!
I can't wait for this Saturday, gig at *Scape! I want to go! wait, I WILL GO! Plainsunset's gonna be there for the closing band, ah damn, I want to see them perform again!
Oh and thanks to those who wished me an advance happy birthday, much appreciated! =))))
ps, three more days mothafucka
this is the imaginary line that separates
Monday, July 14, 2008 12:43:00 AM
behind curfew lines

Here goes, I finally got to spend time with her last Saturday. I'd say it was an awesome date, although we both were pretty shy when we first met. I went out with the Usuals first, we trained from Simei all the way to Chinese Garden, cause Andin wants us to jam over there. We reached, I treated the guys some drinks then we went to search for the jamming studio, it took us like 30 minutes to find the place cause the entrance to the place is along an alley and we all had a tough time finding which is the right alley.
We met Andin's friends, and we jammed for only 30 minutes, which wasnt quite satisfying to the fact that we came all the way from Simei just to jam for 30 minutes. Besides that, the equipments there all suck ballzzz! All your fault ah Andin! Then we went to Jurong East Capital Mall to eat, before I separated from the group to meet her.
It was really quiet between us at first, then we both started chatting alot while in the train to town. So we walked around town, browsed through stuffs, chatted and laughed. Then we went to Forum's Starbucks, I treated her to a drink and but we traded, I had hers and she had mine. Hahaha!
Then we met the guys at Lucky Plaza, they were playing pool there, they finally got to see her in person and I introduced her to them. I played one game with Helmi and amazingly, I won! Haha! We slacked at Taka afterwards and I saw Ange and Sukashi. Helmi was clearly smitten by her presence. Hahahaha! We went home around 10.30pm and something happen on the mrt platform, and while I was in the train with the guys, theyre making fun of me and everything. Haha screw you alllllll! All in all, it was an awesome date! :D
Anyways, I had soccer training just now, and it was very funny.
1) I fell while i was trying to kick the ball using my left leg
2) Helmi somehow scored using his left leg
3) I shouted Sukashi's name and Helmi totally missed
4) Freddd shouted her name while I was trying to kick the ball into the net, it went over instead
5) Screw you mannn!
6) Because of the miss, I didnt get treated to a free meal:(
7) I shall say this again, "SCREW YOU!!!"
After training, I went to Amy's ( I shall stop saying Helmi from now onwards ) place to get ready to go to town. We were really tired and our legs were aching while we're in the bus on the way to town. To add to our misery, the bus was freaking cold and going really slow. We reached Far East Plaza and found that most of the shops there were closed. So we went to Wisma instead. We both brought a Topman top cause it was on sale, me and amy couldnt help but buy one for ourselves. Then we got hungry and walked to Cathay, on the way, a transvestite approached us. He/She or She/He ( either way, its the same ) was calling us. It was really creepy and we kinda walked away quickly and then laughed afterwards. We ate at KFC and then tried Gloria Jean's cookies and cream. It rained, so we waited before taking the train home. We chatted and laughed while in the train. Amy mahh. I got home and storied to my mum about what happen just now and she laughed too.
Soooo, I'm done! ( Kiwek, I updated alot )
what's this wicked feeling? am i falling?
this is the imaginary line that separates
Tuesday, July 8, 2008 10:08:00 PM

I finally got the songs I wanted from Helmi and Azhar today, yay! DGD! DGD! DGD! DGD! I'm addicted to Dance Gavin Dance's songs, they're freaking awesome! There are a few more bands that I'm addicted to right now, but I'm lazy to state them here.
So school's been alright for me, lessons are getting a tad too tough for me, I think I need some help in class, cause the teacher's not helping cause he's way too boring. I failed his class test, there's going to be a re-test next week, I want to at least pass the test. *crossesfingers*
I can't wait for this Sat, finally going to meet her after almost a year. Hahahaha I am very excited! We've been planning to meet, but we can't find the right time since we're both busy with school and stuffs. So I hope nothing's in our way now.
Alright, I'll end here, I'm gonna call Feer, he's feeling down lately. Cousins love mann!
p.s. I'm sorry, Mum.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, July 5, 2008 1:37:00 AM
I won't know until you've fallen

Pheww~ Finally, the pics are up! Well, I'm tired already. I'll update later. Byee!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, July 3, 2008 1:58:00 AM
i'm holding the tragedy in my arms
Yeay! Finally, one original done! Creds to everyone that helped, seriously, I'm beginning to think that our original is some awesome shite. Its was really random at first sia Azhar, to think that our song can be made into something really cool. Thanks again to Ammar and Helmi, well you guys helped mostly in the lyrics to the song, haha! I love the chorus part and the breakdowns, and the song's stuck in my head now already mann. So all we need to do is just add in the drum beats and do some recording in about three weeks?, Hopefully, by that time, we finished the other two songs we plan to complete and so we could just record the whole thing at one shot.
Phew!~ I played soccer just now, with Azhar, Helmi, Ammar and Farid, siol very tiring mann! I'm having leg cramps now, my left leg's worse, oh mann the cramps are killing me! Freddd texted saying that there's a soccer match this Sunday, and wants me to play for his team, aiyah, confirm gonna have more cramps by then if I play for his team. =S
Woots! I cut my hair, and I miss my really-long-emo-fringe.. badly, but I guess it looks fine, its shorter now and I don't have to bother about putting my fringe to the side if it starts to irritate my eyes. Oh oh! I also did that concave spike thingy, hahaha, I'm really looking like one of them scene kids. Hahaha! Me? Scene kid? NEVER!!!
Shoot, school's starting next Monday, time sure flies if all you do is hang out everyday, okay, its 2am now, I'd better eat what mum cooked just now, then go to bed. Byee!
p.s. And I told this kid to follow what I say, and he obeyed. HAHAHA! I NAK ***!!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 3:12:00 AM
the thought of you still lingers
Despite all the celebrations for Spain winning the Euro 2008, I shall so forth commemorate yesterday, as the day I got slapped on the face by a good friend of mine(or a bitch), G.
That's all.
this is the imaginary line that separates