Friday, May 30, 2008 9:45:00 PM
Where do i go now,

Had my class test today, i think i totally ditched it, seriously, i don't know most of the answers. I totally spaced out while my friends are easily doing their test, aiyohh. Shit man, i hope i at least pass the test. Urgh, i hate networking class! Lessons are boring, including the teacher. I only like my radiocomm lessons, Dr. Brian's the best. Sad though, he's not going to teach my class again, he got called up for reservicing of NS. Bummer right? A new class advisor next week, i hope he's not the boring type. But seriously though, i need to study more for my networking class.
I need help!
Went back from school with fred today, walked to simei train station and went to tampines, he went for prayers and i went home. TEEHEE! Reached home, got online but appeared offline, got bored then i slept for awhile at 2. Fred called an hour later, asking me whether i want to play soccer with him and his friends at the soccer court, blahblahblah. Got there pretty late, like an hour and a half later! Not mad eh guys?? Slacked at fred's house for awhile, taught him chiodos' song on guitars, and he's happy. Pfft! Go and learrrrrrrn!
Outing tomorrow i think, following my friends to celebrate their friend's birthday. Not sure whether i'll be going or not. Okay now i'm hungry, mum just finished cooking! yeay!
Till then!
Tags for today: Pfft! Go and learrrrrrrn!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Its late, and i should be sleeping.
I know..
There's a class test tomorrow.
I know..
I spared my time just to post something up here, at least before i fall asleep.
My eyes are failing me now, so i'd better hurry up with this.
School's been pretty fun lately, and i'm starting to really study during class.
Like just now, listened to whatever crap the teacher have to say,
and i got most of the Q&A correct. =D
weird huh? yes, i am a study person, sometimes..
These last few days was the bomb!
Hanged out with the most awesomest and most noisiest people ever!
And I miss jamming already, i miss doing the high-pitch screams and the
hardcore dances in the jamming room.
I have friends who post about them missing their friends,
oh what the hell, i miss you guys too!
hang out soon bitches and fellas!

"like scene kids siol!"(inside story)
Yes, i was in my school uniform, its a long story, dont bother asking why.
This coming weeks is gonna be packed with plans, i think.
But i'm not toooo sure if i'm gonna make it for all of it.
There are people bugging me to go to gigs,
asking me to hang out with them,
go here and there and blahblahblah.
okay okay okay, my eyes are gonna closeeeeee!~
few things before i go
to Sarah, cheer up alrights!
to Syahz, sorry didnt reply your msg the other day, but dont worry, i'll be fine
and last but not least,
okay dah bye. teehee!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 9:34:00 PM
how about enough?

Loveeee it mann!
Took me an hour+ to get this blog done, fuh!
Well, updates soon whenever i'm free. Promise, i WILL update!
School, Jamming Sessions, Lepak Sessions,
All those!
i'm addicted to sheesha i think.
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, May 25, 2008 9:31:00 AM
We're not alone, just you and me baby
Cant get online the last two days
since my sis needs the laptop to do her project
so i'll update what i've done lately,
i went to school as usual, the teacher asked the whole class
to do some exercises, i'm glad i've finished it while i was there.
Talked with Haiqal and Nad, and we plan to go for a
photography session together one day=D
i'm blessed to be in this class, really, at least there's some people
who's interested in photography as i do,
and next friday i think, we'll be going to Botanical Gardens to
take photos there. I cant wait! :)
then i went off, slacked at school with Akmal,
chatted with a few friends i met in school for awhile,
should have gone for prayers, but nahhh
then we went to the mall, Akmal bought a really nice top and
he asked me to follow him meet his cousin, then i went home.
Azhar called, he asked whether i want to slack at Ammar's house,
i said okay since i was getting bored.
Well, nothing much was done at his house, played some games
with his PS2, then i played his guitar:)
hahaha i'm starting to love his guitar, huh-_-
Helmi came and Zat was there too, but both of them went off early,
so me, azhar and ammar plan to slack some place,
we went to the mall, (again, for me)
before slacking under a block near my house, played the guitar,
chatted, laughed, and oh yeah!
we made a song!!!!!!!!!!
i think its nice, wanna hearr?? hahaha
we came up with that name for ourselves,
haha merepek right?
SATURDAY(yesterday, that is)
played soccer in the morning with, Amir, Fred, Mus, Shawn,
Eidil and Hanis. It was fun!
i was feeling tired cause its been awhile since i've played soccer,
i got hurt, TWICE, by the same person,
the first was when he jumped so high, his knee hit my shoulder,
nearly hit my face seeyol,
the second was when i was with the ball, he tackled me from behind,
i dont know, i think i flew from the second he tackled me,
tried to break my fall, but my knee hit the wall of the soccer court instead, OUCH!
it was loud, everyone went like, "woahhhhh"
i thought i broke my knee mannn, i stood up, figured i was hurt pretty bad,
since i was having trouble walking, i could have almost gone mad with that guy=/
i sat down, that guy came over to apologize, i said that its nothing, and that
soccer's meant to be rough. ah see? din baik..
rested, then i forced myself to play some more, my knee got worse
when we all were about to go home, so i went to fred's house to rest,
played that fun Justice League Hero game, hahaha!
i went home, helmi called, saying that he, fred and azhar are going to lepak,
and asked me along, i was bored, so yeah. we slacked near CS,
played the guitar and sang some random songs, which was funny shit.
then i went off to watch congkak at e-hub. then blahblah.
oh, i just realised i just put so much shit in this post
this is the imaginary line that separates
Thursday, May 22, 2008 4:01:00 PM
And so its official,
Went to watch Iron-Man with my classmates at AMK Hub yesterday, for free!
Well, its cool ah, but not the best of all superhero movies,
although the effects were cool, i expected more action from Iron-Man.
Haha! It was so damn cold in the cinema, we were all freezing there.
Then me, azhar and akmal took the bus to bedok, me and azhar
took the train from there, while akmal went somewhere else.
Texted Jules, saying i'll be meeting her at simei =D
Met her at the playground, where we saw this cute cat,
and we were entertained by it. haha
then she told me she got rashes, then it got worse for her,
the rash starts to spread on her face, and she cant stand it anymore.
So i followed her to the doc's and she got really irritated by the rash,
and we have to wait for quite some time before its her turn to meet the doc.
it was nice meeting her, but dont you worry alrights?
I'm sure the rashes will slowly go away, just eat your medicine and try not to scatch too much.
I didn't went to school today, was too tired i guess..
i woke up around 12, then chatted with Jules on msn,
then i watched the nigahiga and moymoypalaboy videos, it was hilarious!
Feer called, he wants me to follow him and his band jamming, but i declined,
saying i was tired and i've no mood to go out or whatsoever.
Sorry dude, maybe some other time.
okay, here are some pics from the beach the other day!

this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, May 18, 2008 4:58:00 PM
7 years<3
alright let me update about last friday,
planned to go the the beach with jules, fred and sab
but cancelled last minute since i wanted to go the jam and hop at TP
cause azhar, helmi, G and zat are also going there.
so i met them at TP there, went to the place and ammar's
band already started playing, when we went in, they were
playing hysteria by muse, which was awesome!
they played some more songs, 15 altogether i think, and there's this one
vocalist, which sucked soooo bad, all of us feel like throwing him
off the stage! serious man, his voice sucked!
then they started playing A7x's songs, which me, azhar, helmi and G
wanted to hardcore dance to, but we didnt, instead we screamed along
with the songs! hahaha!
then we went the cafeteria, we slacked for awhile,
dranked, laughed, ate blahblahblah
then we went jamming
it was F'ing funny!!
they played the screamo version of crank dat and low
me, jules, fred and helmi laughed our asses off in there. XD
and yes, my throat hurts from screaming alot.
then we went off to saffron's where G kept disturbing Jules.
saying this and that, haha
then fred, me and jules went off,
the rest went to slack at some place.
so fred, me and jules took the bus to send her home.
i sent her home up the hill where..
ok stop! no need to say anything more here.
hahahaha! =D
okay, i'll just upload some pics here.

woo hotstuff!
i still cant get enough of this pic, thanks again jules!
alright, i'm sending you guys the pics now, dont worry i will for sure.
and i cant wait for monday!
to the beach, bitch!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, May 17, 2008 12:59:00 AM
fall for you,

.. The Past, The Love, The Memories..
Had a really awesome time with Jules, Fred, Sab,
Azhar, Helmi, G and Ammar.
shall update more tomorrow, or later on today.
oh hell, my throat's killing me.
too much screaming! AHHHH!!!
i'm missing that someone so much already.
i think i'm falling for you, again..
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, May 11, 2008 12:57:00 AM

this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, May 4, 2008 9:51:00 PM
the chalet was super awesome!
i'll update soon about it!
this is the imaginary line that separates