Wednesday, April 30, 2008 11:19:00 PM

went out with FB today.
and if you're wondering, FB means Feer Brown
well he calls me Lil' D or Lil' Dayne.
hahaha pfft!
i met him so that we could just hang out, since we both finish school early.
school was alright for me, for PE lessons, the class was supposed to go swimming, i have no idea what for, the teacher just said that they want to find out whether we could swim or not.
funny, almost half the class didnt attend it.
i went to the swimming pool to meet the rest, talked to the teacher and said that i'll go
swimming next week, then i stayed there for awhile, since some of my friends actually
went to swim, and boy, was the weather really hot!
i wish i could just jump in the pool and join the rest. haha
i waited for them, watched them having fun, i got bored, so i went down to the side of the pool
and they were like, "Abang Din! Abang Din!"
hahahah wtf!?
they splashed water all over me and my shoe got wet
i wonder, why do i always get victimised by their mischieviousness?
soon after the guys went to the dressing room, and erm, boys will be boys???
now now, no need to state anything here.
the outing with feer was fun though, met him at city hall at around 1.30pm
with our school uniforms, hahaha, first time sia he saw me in school uniform!
we laugh at each other at the first sight,
so we went to Penin, browsed thru stuffs, and truth be told,
we were making quite a scene there.
then we went to Parliament House, took some pics here and there
and we went to Esplanade, which was awfully weird.
cause duhhh! there's not many people around?!
and not many M's and M's (Mats and Minahs)
thats it yawww, will be updating more if i have the time!
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Tuesday, April 29, 2008 8:16:00 PM

almost 3 weeks in school already,
everything's going smooth so far, lessons are sometimes boring, talking nonsense with the
rest in class makes it more livelier.
each individuals in my class is unique.
each of them has their own flaws and i find everyone interesting
and i'd try my best to mix around with everyone, cause if i don't, they'd probably think that i don't even exist in the class
but i think i'm starting to like school, somehow... =S
anyways, i haven't done my online assignment, urgh, i feel lazy already
damn! shouldn't have mention it.
but whattodo~~ i'll do it later tonight.
and then i'll tuck in my bed and have a REALLY good night's sleep. =D
oh oh!
today's lesson's was the shit! hahaha
me and my friends came up with poems and we typed it in the computer, we came up with super-lame stuffs which we thought were very funny and we had a really good laugh about it
and it probably made our day as well!
and akmal suggested that everyday, we'll try to come up with a different poem
we'll see about that
p.s. my jug broke :P
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Friday, April 25, 2008 11:30:00 PM
school today was well, short.
i woke up pretty late for school, 7.15am to be exact.
so i quickly showered and everything cause akmal and fiq were waiting for me.
my lesson starts at 8, and i got out of the house at 8!
i arrived at the bus interchange around 8.20.
then, akmal called me, saying that both him and fiq are having diarrhoea and
that they were in TM's toilet, so i went there and waited for them.
and they took quite a LONG time. sheesh!
so i waited for them at Macdonald's while listening to my mp3 phone.
wooo yeahh! their songs can give me quite a rush in the morning.
we arrived in school around 9.15am.
we came into the class and everyone was looking at us,
then they asked, "Why now then come?"
"Class about to finish already."
i was like WHATTHEHELL!?
ahh fuck it..
class ended at 9.30.
me, akmal and fiq were pretty bumped about the fact that class ended so early.
but oh wells!~
slacked in school, then we went home around 11+
got home, rested, chilled, ate.
met azhar, ammar, izzat, G, fred and helmi after friday prayers(which i didn't go to)
at the jamming studio.
helmi and fred just sat and listened to the guys jammed, i did the screaming,
which was fun but awfully painful.
i need to lay off screaming for now, my throat feels like it's burning.
but i love the N'sync's bye bye bye song punk rock version style that the guys played.
its soo awesome and funny!
after jamming, me, azhar and fred went to eastpoint.
what else? C&C of course!
i dont know why, but i was feeling abit too hyper just now.
i was laughing alot while we waited for the game to load.
i made pig sounds.
irritating eh fred?
i need to rest.
i still feel sick, my runny nose is getting worse.
yeap, i'm down with cold.
yeap, you were right helmi. haha!
here's some pictures!
we saw this man in the train. haha.

the c&c buddies
well thats it!
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:44:00 AM
you said that i've changed.
i never did, do i?
i dont think i've changed.
cuz i'm still the same, just waiting.
just waiting.
anyways, hello peeps!
damn, i think i'm down with a cold.
i've been sneezing alot in school today, especially in the comp lab
something's wrong with me, my friends thinks its hot in the comp lab, i think otherwise. haha.
should have brought my sweater along since lessons are always in an air-conditioned room=D
and every few seconds i'll go sniff sniff.
then i'll go ah-choo!
i hate being sick!~
EH! eeeeww
school ended at 5.15pm to be exact
the teacher let us off early=)
was supposed to end at 6
chilled at school, saw joe and fred, asked them whether they wanna hang out for awhile,
joe went home, fred stayed.
made some more new friends with the second-year students through a friend of mine.
we ate at the cafeteria, talked, blahblah, crapped, laughed.
left the campus around 7, reached home around 8.
i slept till 11+
yeah, i was so sleepy the whole day
called feer, he told me that his pet terrapin died, go see his blog
and he also told me that he cried. aww, cheer up dude.
he wanted me to teach him guitar through the phone, which i find it very hard, and very, very complicated=/
if my cold gets any more worse, then i'll probably wont go to school on wednesday.
get better din, get better!
mum? where's the panadol again?
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:05:00 PM
am i nothing more than a line in your book?
i want to cut my hair..
my tail is long and its not nice when it's long..
it tends to curl sideways..
i'm thinking that i should cut my hair concave-shape
but obviously i'm keeping my fringe and the sides.
i dont know what to do with my hair!
i need help!
oh wait...
should i just cut my hair and "donate" to fred???
(fred, if you're reading this, oh wells..)
i'm full. i ate alot for dinner.
yay! i feel fat!
^(*oo*)^ <-pig
i want to gain weight, does anyone have fats to spare me?
can i have some?
gimme gimme gimme!
so i can get people to stop saying that i'm skinny.
eh... rhyme
well lets see, plans for tomorrow??
hmm, nehh, not sure.
probably get a haircut during my free time.
psst psst! i need cash!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:21:00 PM
Don't blame me for trying too hard
school is really killing me, sort of...
lessons are short on weds, thurs, fridays..
i end school early, so i can just goof around anywhere i like :P
school was okay just now, my first lesson starts at 8am, and
i came late with akmal and fiq at 8.45.
yeahh, then class ended at around 9.30..
might as well no need to come school right?!
was supposed to have pe lessons after our break, but the teacher cancelled it,
i don't bother asking why.
so me and the guys went to go play pool in school.
i met azhar, he said he wanted to skip lessons, hahaha.
so azhar followed us to play pool, found out later that pool's closed cause the staff there is having a break.
so we played fussball, hahaha funny shit siaa.
me and dzul teamed up and we versus azhar and akmal.
me and dzul won ah, but really, its funny they way we played it.
we then slacked at the forum, its a huge round place with people sitting at the sides and sometimes there are people performing in the center of the round place, erm, forum.
then we got bored, so me, azhar, syafiq and akmal went to penin.
we went to a guitar shop, and ohhh boy, did we spend alot of time in there!
we tried out a guitar(which i fell in love with) and we spent like, 1 hour plus inside that shop.
hahaha. i swear, i'm gonna get that guitar soon!!
then akmal got boot cut jeans then we went out since akmal and fiq wanted to smoke.
(i swear, i dont smoke, so does azhar)
then we went home straight after that.
so uhh-huhhh
school is great!
last but not least!
HAPPY.. erm...oh yeah..26th BIRTHDAY DEAR SIS!
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 8:20:00 PM
Well, schooling at ITE SIMEI was alright for me.
Nothing much though, made new friends there=)
The first day of school was pretty boring though, the orientation thingy just suck.
First day already, my new friends and i skipped the orientation, we went to have lunch on our own instead.
My class not pretty bad uh, they're all friendly and funny as well.
Pity though, azhar and me never got into the same class, but azhar always hangs out with me and my friends in my class.
Well the one thing i liked about the school is the food there, the pricing's reasonable and the food is great!!
They have cool hang out places like cafes and stuffs, pretty cool mannnnnnn
and yeahhh! i never get caught for keeping my hair long! woooo!! gonna keep it longgggggggggggggggggggg!~
the second day of school was better though, since its getting comfortable for me to mix around with the classmates, so yeahhh, i think i'm starting to like this.
No regrets!
Well, tmr's the third day of school, lessons are gonna start at 8am and i'll finish school at 12. hahaha, just 4 hours in school and i'm gone from there!
cool or what!?
sorry readers, this post is quite boring you see, cause i'm really bored right now, plus i'm hungry, i wanna eat at the school's cafe tmr and get free ice-cream!!! yeayy!!
till then!
will be updating more soon!!
this is the imaginary line that separates
Sunday, April 13, 2008 12:55:00 AM
i'm okay...
Dont worry about me okay guys/gals?
i'm seriously fine,
i've never felt better
but, i really wanna thank those who cared, even if we're not that close..
telling me to cheer up and all..
that meant something.. *sobsob*
today's outing was awesome!!!
i went out with my ex-schoolmates, its like a catch-up-thingy cum outing..
we went to marina square..
we ate at a food court, i ate fried kway teow with beef, and i swear!
it was damn nice! i kept quite while i was eating since i was savouring every mouthful of it.
tee and jules was around marina square too with this duddette and another duddette,
i met them for awhile, chatchat then off they went to somewhere i don't know.
and jules, what the hell did you write on your hands?! hahaha.
and what are you girls whispering about?...
soon afterwards,
i went bowling with my friends.
had LOADS of fun!
we played two rounds, i won the first one..
my score was like 110++ or something...
yeahhh. woooooooo!
i didnt win the second round, but my score was still high though..
enough said.
there was one point when my friend fell while bowling, hahah!
it was embarrassing for her, but it was funny as hell for the rest of us..
freaking funny!!
we finished at about 9+
we walked the long way to the train station since we wanted to take some pics.
reached home at about 11pm.
gosh! its still too early for me.. haha.
well yeahh. so much fun today!
hang out again soon okay!!
and i'll send you peeps the pics soon too!
i hope...
here's some peektures!!!

kiss my sass
i took this! =DD

hahaha! look at me!!
to that person, you know that i will never leave you.
i will always love you no matter what,
now get THAT through your mind..
this is the imaginary line that separates
Saturday, April 12, 2008 1:51:00 PM
this is the imaginary line that separates
Friday, April 11, 2008 10:48:00 PM
so deal with it.
i feel shitty, i feel used. i feel miserable.
screw it, screw it all...
fred, feer, you know what i'm talking about.
and to that person, screw it.. screw it!!
i can't believe that i'd fall for you, i feel used.
i feel like a pit-stop for you..
you came and went away.
screw it. screw it.
you just had to spoil my day don't you?
hell, i knew it from the start, i knew something bad is gonna happen.
i feel so down right now,
i need someone to talk to, i need a hug.
please... bring me away from this stupid feeling..
someone.. please...
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i never knewwadduuuuuuuuup?
you guys probably wonder why i changed to blogger right?
well, Lj's getting boring, besides, most of my friends are into blogger,
sooo, why not?
I made this blog yesterday, it was confusing at first with all the codes and stuffs. =S
but i managed to do well, with a little help from feer.
thanks dude
so yeah, gonna start posting everything here soon.
till then.
bye aliens.
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my first post here. fuck man, i got into blogger like so damn late.
i was using Livejournal before. so yeahhh.
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